Chromotherapy Infrared Sauna
The Infrared Sauna's deep penetrating heat is what most effectively stimulates metabolic activity, which in turn triggers the release of stored toxins through sweat, as well as through the liver and kidneys. Sweating is a critical detox function, it helps the body eliminate toxins. The body is very effective at eliminating toxins this way, but it only works if we make the body sweat. Worse, many of us sit at desks all day, and in air-conditioned indoor environments.
In these conditions, the skin stores the toxins with little opportunity to eliminate them.
To combat these effects, infrared sauna systems help us to purify our bodies from the inside out.
Infrared saunas are more effective at stimulating detoxification and gentler on the body than traditional hot rock saunas, steam rooms, and hot tubs. Deep, cellular sweating is key to detoxify and energize your body!
Chinese medicine was designed to bring the health of an individual back into equilibrium. Acupuncture gives the body the necessary tools it needs to restore health. If the organs of elimination are open, acupuncture may push the liver to detoxify more. Acupuncture may also help you get deeper and more restful sleep, as this is the main way the body heals.
Whether acupuncture acts as a restoratively or provokingly depends on what your body needs at that time. It is more challenging for your body to adapt to large changes, and acupuncture acts as a guiding light for your system as it balances out. Of course, you can pursue changes without acupuncture, but treatments make the experience much easier and tend to improve your health overall.
10 Day Cleanse
Many facets of modern life such as high-stress levels, too little sleep, eating processed and high-sugar foods, and taking antibiotics can all damage our gut microbiome. This, in turn, may affect other aspects of our health, such as the brain, heart, immune system, skin, weight, hormone levels, ability to absorb nutrients, and even the development of cancer.
Take a 10-day vacation from over-processed, genetically-modified food and cleanse your body of harmful chemicals and toxins. It’s like taking a shower from the inside and out. Flood your body with nutrient-dense, low-calorie superfoods and break addictions to sugar, salt, carbs, and chemicals.
It is an ancient Chinese method of detoxification which also carries benefits like getting rid of cold symptoms, relieving aches and pains, and helping you to feel more energized. When it comes to cupping, the vacuum forces the blood to start flowing again, the energy to start moving again, and that helps to heal wounds, reduce infection, and detox the tissue.
Several studies, however, indicate that some types of simulated acupuncture appear to work just as well as real acupuncture. There's also evidence that acupuncture works best in people who expect it to work.
Anxiety | Arthritis | Chronic pain | Depression | Insomnia | Migraines | Nausea | Sciatica | Sinus congestion | Stress and anxiety | Tinnitus | Weight loss
Massage & Manual Therapy
Massage is very beneficial in the treatment of toxicity. It helps to relieve the symptoms such as headaches, myalgia and fatigue and improves the function of the organ or system affected. Massage can improve the circulation systemically in order to secure a good nutritional supply to all tissues. It is also utilized to enhance the venous return which is essential for the removal of toxins.
Studies of the benefits of massage demonstrate that it is an effective treatment for reducing stress, pain and muscle tension. Manual therapy is recommended to help people cope with the pain and stress of cancer, heart disease, stomach problems, fibromyalgia or other conditions.